Stress in a Modern World
While cave man probably only raised his Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) when he had to hunt the Saber Tooth Tiger, today, it seems everything is a Saber Tooth Tiger to us. We are on constant SNS overload feeling as if everything around us could attack us. Terrorism, finances, jobs, family, relationships, illnesses, etc., all combine to keep the SNS engaged. Similar to driving a car where the idle is stuck on high which eventually causes the engine and all the parts to burn out. Biofeedback,
Hypnosis, Relaxation, visualization, breathing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy all combine to provide coping skills for us to proactively engage the Para-sympathetic system thus shutting down the SNS and allowing that idle to finally come back down to normal. This is how we can return to a powerful state of health; becoming parasympathetic dominant.